Chapter 7: Deviance and Crime

 Who are the deviants are the criminals?

Everyone is or will a deviant in some way, shape or form in his or her life. There's no getting around it. I found a list at yahoo that shows different peoples opinions of what is considered deviant. I thought it was pretty entertaining! After reading this, try denying that you're a deviant.

Eating sloppily in a public place
Cutting toenails at the dinner table
Calling your parents Mr. and Ms. *last name here* for an entire day
Shopping out of other people's carts at the grocery store
Wear a lampshade on your head
Walk around campus with your girl/boy friend on a leash
Discuss joining a cult with your close friends and family
Read a porn magazine in a public place
Cross-dress for a day
Talk in third person
Talk to yourself in a public place
When entering an elevator, face the back of the elevator and talk to the people inside. Do not turn around and face the doors
Talk only in rhyme for a whole day
Walk up to people on campus and demand they be your friend
Carry around a sign claiming the world will end and pick a date. Get more and more edgy and confrontational as the day nears
Shave your head if you are female
Wear ponytails if you are male

The above examples of deviance can be found at

You may be a deviant, but are you a criminal? Most likely not. Criminal acts involve doing things that are punishable by law, and even considered evil!


Article relating to deviance and crime:

I hope you are all aware of the 8 bodies that have been washed up on the Long Island shore. Here is a link to a news article that informs us of a potential serial killer. Half of these people are prostitutes, and the other half haven't been identified yet.


 Here are two photographs representing deviance and crime:

Deviance: One that differs from a norm, especially a person whose behavior and attitudes differ from accepted social standards.

Crime: an action or an instance of negligence that is deemed injurious to the public welfare or morals or to the interests of the state and that is legally prohibited.


 Video Clip:

 This clip discusses graffiti and whether it is considered 'social deviance or freedom of expression.'  It's pretty obvious to me that it's a deviant act. It's very disrespectful and expensive for cities to clean up. This is a wonderful example of a deviant act.


Two internet sites:

The following site goes very into detail about the relationship between deviance and crime.  I found it very interesting, and it definitely gave me a much better understanding of their relationship.

This link is really quite sad. Tons of people every year are convicted of crimes that they did not commit. James Bain, 19 was convicted of raping a 9-year-old boy. He spent all of his 20s, 30s, 40s, and beginning of his 50s in prison. DNA evidence finally proved his innocence. Please follow this link to read more.


Song lyrics:

It wasn't hard at all to find a song that relates to deviance and crime, considering that most songs revolve around them anyway. The following song is from my favorite band of all time.  At first it's difficult to decipher what James is singing about, but once you become an obsessed fan like myself, it's very clear that he is talking about drugs taking him over. Drugs are certainly a way for a person to be deviant. Drugs are also a criminal act to posses or have, rightfully. I took out the second have of the lyrics, because the song is almost 9 minutes long.

Metallica- Master of Puppets

End of passion play
Crumbling away
I'm your source of self-destruction

Veins that pump with fear
Sucking darkest clear
Leading on your death's construction

Taste me you will see
More is all you need
Dedicated to
How I'm killing you

Come crawling faster
Obey your master
Your life burns faster
Obey your master

Master of puppets
I'm pulling your strings
Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams

Blinded by me
You can't see a thing
Just call my name 'cause I'll hear you scream


Just call my name 'cause I'll hear you scream

Needlework the way
Never you betray
Life of death becoming clearer

Pain monopoly
Ritual misery
Chop your breakfast on a mirror

Taste me you will see
More is all you need
Dedicated to
How I'm killing you

Come crawling faster
Obey your master
Your life burns faster
Obey your master

Master of puppets
I'm pulling your strings
Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams

Blinded by me
You can't see a thing
Just call my name 'cause I'll hear you scream


Just call my name 'cause I'll hear you scream
Master, master, master, master...

Master, master
Where's the dreams that I've been after?

Master, master
Promised only lies

Laughter, laughter
All I hear or see is laughter

lyrics from:


My two paragraphs!

I chose to do chapter 7 on deviance and crime because I think it's very interesting. I've always been fascinated with people who do things that are not the norm, and with people who commit heinous acts of crime. There are deviant criminals in every single society, and to the extent that they commit crimes differs from person to person.

I can't imagine lacking the self-control gene, as do a lot of other people. It's entertaining reading about different cultures and societies and what they think is considered deviant or not. Like I stated at the beginning of this, we are ALL deviants, but most of us have the self-control and morals to keep our deviant acts just deviant acts, and not let them progress into crimes that affect other people or put them in danger.

Here's a fun word search to test your knowledge on crime and deviance!


Deviance and Crime

A D Z I H F A I A F C M U J L 
S U T A T S R E T S A M F L O 
E O B Y I Y C L U O H S L R R 
I Y E L J Z W J T K X J Q L T 
E M I R C D E Z I N A G R O N 
C R I M I N O L O G Y C A Y O 
B I O T E R R O R I S M S W C 
A H U O N E W J Z Y H N T H L 
N M C V F E M I R C E T A H A 
O E C N A I V E D E T I L E I 
M R C H L E C E X W H U Z R C 
I H X L Y R O K M N R P R D O 
E S T I G M A A G I Q P A I S 
K M T C J Y P A O U R A G U T 
O R P D D E V P M Y C C H C H 

 ANOMIE- the condition existing when social regulations (norms) in a society break down
BIOTERRORISM- a form of terrorism involving the dispersion of chemical or biological substances intended to cause widespread disease and death
CRIME- one form of deviance; specifically, behavior that violates criminal laws
CRIMINOLOGY- the study of crime from a scientific perspective

ELITE DEVIANCE- the wrongdoing of powerful individuals and organizations

HATE CRIME- assaults and other malicious acts (including crimes against property)
motivated by various forms of bias, including that based on race,
religion, sexual orientation, ethnic and national origin, or disability

MASTER STATUS- some characteristic of a person that overrides all other features of the person’s identity

ORGANIZED CRIME-crime committed by organized groups, typically involving the illegal provision of goods and services to others

SOCIAL CONTROL- the process by which groups and individuals within those
groups are brought into conformity with dominant social exceptions

STIGMA-an attribute that is socially devalued and discredited